Tuesday, December 20, 2005

i need to calm down

let's talk about work for a second. i'm being forced to take vacation time that i have earned so that wellesley college can save some money. officially, no has said anything about saving money, and i'm still not sure how they would save money by forcing me to take vacation, but that's another story for some economist somewhere to tell.
here are the facts. i was told that i was given ample time to make vacation plans for that time. i was also told that there was no reason for me or any person from my department to be on campus between christmas and new years "-particularly without supervision." the "particularly without supervision" part is what really gets me. december 17th was my fourth anniversary at wellesley college. when i was hired in 2001 i was asked when i would like to start. i suggested that after the holidays would be a good time. i was encouraged to start as soon as possible so i could learn some stuff. that week i found out that i would be staying on campus the week between christmas and new years because someone from IS needed to be there in case something went wrong, or in case someone needed some support. no one needed support. if they did need support, i don't have any idea what the fuck i would have done, because i'd only been on the job for a week, and i didn't know anything. wellesley and it's information services department saw fit to leave me, with my entire week of experience, as their safety net. a mere four years later, the college's/IS's policies have changed so much that they don't trust people to work unsupervised anymore. they trusted a guy they didn't even know to hold down the fort, but they don't trust the same guy to do the same thing four years later. i'm not sure if that says something about me, or something about them, but it doesn't feel right. no one is giving a real explanation for why the college is so anxious for us to take our vacation time. i know that they don't want to "give" us those days off because it will piss off the union. it seems that this way, the only person they piss off is me, which is a small price to pay, considering most of them never have to see me or talk to me.
i'm not asking for days off. i don't want to be coddled and told how much i'm appreciated either. it's all bullshit. i want some control over the vacation hours that i have earned. i don't want the college to "ask" me if i could please take vacation when they really mean, "you will take your vacation, and i have no respect for your pathetic peasant ass." i hear you loud and clear wellesley/IS. you are a bunch of shifty thieves, and i am unfortunately beholden to you because i need my paycheck. i will continue to take that paycheck as long as i need it, but there is no rule anywhere that says i have to be happy about it. merry fucking holidays.

jim turbert


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